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About AFPT - Club Phase 1 webinar: Dose Optimization in Oncology

AFPT - Club Phase 1 webinar: Dose Optimization in Oncology

AFPT webinar 23/09/2024

Dose optimization in oncology drug development is at the heart of the recent US FDA’s project Optimus initiative, to better satisfy the benefit:risk ratio for the patients as early as possible.

A new paradigm is emerging.

Join us for an insightful webinar with 2 expert speakers, Gu Mi , Ph D (Biostatistics) and Laurent Nguyen, Pharm D, Ph D (Clinical PK and pharmacometrics), involved in oncology drug development.


Become a member of the AFPT - Club Phase 1 association to benefit freely from our webinars. Register as a member on the website of AFPT – Club Phase 1 and participate to the webinar for free after payment of your membership.


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Ticket type Price
Webinar 23/09 ticket for AFPT-members Free
Webinar 23/09 ticket for non-members € 30.00

21% VAT will be applicable on the ticket prices

This event is organised by 2Mpact for AFPT - Club Phase 1.You need to create your account on this website in order to be able to register for this event. Invoices will be sent out by 2Mpact.

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